Photon Energy

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Do you want this to be your selfie in the future?

We must act now!

Every day should be a reducing CO2 emissions day!

But since there is an official day on 28th January (International Reducing CO2 Emissions Day), we thought we’d cover the topic.

More humans equal more emissions. If each person can make more of an effort to reduce their carbon footprint and CO2 emissions, it will help to make the world a safer and more sustainable place to live. You don’t need to make any drastic changes – why not do a little bit every day.

Photon Energy’s culture and ethos:

Our business has flourished as a result of our emphasis on quality and adherence to strict ethical/CSR/Green standards and our certification to the Environmental Management Standard, BSEN ISO 14001 which means we set ourselves challenging environmental objectives every year as part of our programme for continued improvement.

It is important to both us and our clients that we have such a strong ethical trading policy and as such we have been able to get a place on framework agreements for many prominent companies.

As a consequence of us being certified by so many schemes and organisations, clients use our services with confidence and we experience a large amount of repeat business. It is always our intention to develop long-term customer relationships that assist us with sustaining and developing the business.

Photon Energy has committed to a number of sustainable measures including hosting an on-site solar PV array, operating a fleet of low-emission vehicles (upgrading to Euro 6), working with our suppliers to reduce packaging and recycling 99% of our waste material (we are a member of PVCYCLE) as well as installing EV charge points at our two main offices.

We have installed over 65MW of solar PV and our installations have resulted in a reduction of some 19 million tonnes of CO2 emissions per year.

Here are some ideas on how you can reduce your CO2 emissions:

Solar PV can make a real difference to your business. Investing in a renewable energy source can be a smart move since solar energy can be one of the cheapest and most reliable sources of natural energy that you can use to power your business. Save money and the environment. If this is not a win win situation, we don’t know what is!

Change your bulbs to modern LED bulbs that use 80-90% less energy than standard bulbs.

Eating vegetarian or vegan, even just one day per week. Meat and dairy produce up to 60% of greenhouse gasses from farms.

To reduce CO2 emissions from fossil-fuel cars, use premium fuel, check tire pressure, turn off the air conditioning, remove roof racks and don’t sit with the car running on idle. Or even consider using an EV in the future.

When the weather is nice (hopefully soon), consider taking a bicycle to work instead of driving a car. Not only this is better for the earth, it’s also better for your health as well! Save money on fuel and reduce CO2 emissions!

Many people live too far away from work to walk or bike, but there’s still the option to share a ride with someone else who works with you or at a place near you.

Using buses, trains and the tube (when they’re running!) are a great way to cut down greenhouse emissions significantly.

Before getting in the car, consider different options for getting where you need or want to go.

CO2 emissions reduction can improve air quality, heal the environment, benefit local economies and improve public health.

We can’t change bulbs for you, but we can install solar panels.

Get in touch:

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